WordPress Web Design

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Here at EggCup we specialise in tailor-made WordPress web design. We take pride in developing custom-built themes that use modern web standards.

Our sites are mobile friendly and search engine-ready right from the word go!

Why WordPress?

WordPress is a sophisticated, yet easy to use content management system that provides website owners with full control over their content. Back in the bad old days of web design you’d have to pay the person who built your website to add updates every time you wanted to make a change.

Ultimately, that meant if you wanted to keep your site updated regularly in order to sustain your search engine rankings the costs added up very quickly indeed!

Wave goodbye to the bad old days. WordPress is a well-documented, well-supported, and highly extensible platform that is both mature and widely-adopted — it now powers in excess of 43% of the entire world wide web.

You’ll be in good company

At one point or another, you might’ve heard somebody tell you that “WordPress is just a blogging platform”, or that it’s “no good for normal websites”. The truth couldn’t be any more different! Some of the world’s biggest brands run their websites on the WordPress CMS.

From a humble portfolio site to a fully-fledged ecommerce store, WordPress is ideally suited to any SME that doesn’t have the resources to pay for their own IT and marketing departments to manage their website for them.

A solution to suit your needs

Building a website with WordPress is a great way to get up and running quickly, and it’s for this reason that many WordPress websites look the same.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can develop a bespoke theme for you that will meet your specifications, make full use of the latest web technologies, is mobile-friendly, and gives your site a distinctive look that matches your branding and sets you apart from your competitors.

Take a look at our portfolio to view some examples of bespoke WordPress and WooCommerce websites we’ve coded and designed recently.

WordPress is a sophisticated piece of software and whilst it is one of the easiest to use CMS platforms around, we always recommend budgeting for training in order to get the most from your investment.

The tips and techniques we can teach you will give you the confidence to manage your own website and to optimise your site for search engines too — not bad for a few hours work, hey?